Ransomware is rocketing - but should you pay it?

Ransomware combines extortion with malware.
It is a type of malicious software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage and gain unauthorised access to a computer system. It then prevents an organisation or individual from accessing their devices and the data stored on them.
The criminal or threat actor group using the ransomware will then demand a ransom in exchange for decryption and access back to the data. This can be an alarming time for the business and have a catastrophic impact on the organisation if not handled correctly.
CyXcel's Principal Associate Jack Horlock and Solicitor Michela Resta explore some key considerations around choosing whether to pay a ransom.
Read more: https://www.weightmans.com/media-centre/news/ransomware-is-rocketing-but-should-you-pay-it/